Guerilla Needles - Tattoo and Paint
Scroll down to read my recommended aftercare instructions. Please read them carefully - they should explain the whole process properly. However if you have any questions please use the button at the bottom of the page to contact me.

leave the dressing on for a few hours after the tattoo (or overnight if the appointment finishes late)
with clean hands, remove the dressing and dispose of it. Wash your tattoo with plain soap and water (avoid perfumed products as they will irritate the tattoo)
when your skin feels clean (not slimy), pat the tattoo dry with a clean towel or paper towel. Allow to air dry
Small tattoos/ line work only​
after washing, rewrap the tattoo with clingfilm and leave overnight
repeat the above steps in the morning (your clingfilm will be full of plasma, blood and ink, so wash the tattoo really well)
leave unwrapped and allow to dry
wash tattoo twice a day and apply a very small amount of plain moisturiser (I recommend E45, cocoa butter or coconut oil) until healed
Larger tattoos /colour work​
after washing, rewrap with clingfilm and leave overnight
repeat the above steps in the morning (your clingfilm will be full of plasma, blood and ink so wash the tattoo really well)
rewrap the tattoo with fresh clingfilm. Repeat the process: clean/rewrap twice a day for 3 days. The only time the tattoo should be uncovered is when you are washing it
after the 3rd day, after washing, leave the tattoo uncovered and allow it to dry out
keep the tattoo clean and apply a small amount of plain moisturiser as and when needed (I recommend E45, cocoa butter or coconut oil). The idea behind keeping the tattoo wrapped for those first 3 days of healing is to avoid the plasma hitting the air and scabbing over. You may still experience some scabbing, or more likely, flaky skin after these 3 days. This is normal
General rules​
avoid soaking your new tattoo in a bath (showering is fine, just don't let the water beat down too hard on it for too long)
do not go swimming until your tattoo is fully healed
avoid heavy exercise that causes excessive sweating or puts pressure on the body part eg. weights
do not pick any scabs. This will remove any ink. If it gets itchy, either wash it and apply moisturiser or give it a slap (yes really)